$ whoami
hello :wave:,
i'm nick reese {rsty
} and i am a site reliability engineer. i design, deploy, and optimize highly available distributed systems, while utilizing infrastructure-as-code (IaS) methodologies, and honing in on devops principles such as the pets vs cattle paradigm. always making sure to practice safe secs. my background prior to sre was primarily network and security / cybersecurity engineering, which i still play a heavy role in.
i can code in []languages:
- golang <3
- python
- clang
- rust
- ruby
- perl
- lua
- haskell
- javascript
- nodejs
- tcl
- sh / bash / zsh
- nix
- assembly (c64, atmel risc)
dev tooling & platforms i'm fond of and use day to day:
- emacs
- nix
- unix
- terraform / packer
- ansible
- redis / tikv
- rabbitmq
- (mysql|mariadb) / postgresql
- nginx / haproxy / keepalived
- kubernetes
hobbies, fun, love:
- vintage 8/16-bit computing (c64, amiga, zx(81|spectrum 48k), bbc micro, etc.)
- pseudo-vintage computing, i.e. fantasy consoles (tic-80, pico-8)
- demoscene / creative coding
- ascii / ansi / petscii art
- hacking/diy analog synthesizers
- ... and other electronics
- reading (fav author: william gibson)
- frisbee / skateboarding
- all things tea
- nature <3
- family <333